Vernon Hills family dentist understands what your dental needs
Dentistry may seem a very straightforward area of medicine. There may indeed be fewer problems isolated to the mouth. One dental examination may seem no different from another. Hygiene, as well, may seem to be the same for every person: brush and floss teeth every day. Though basic care is similar from person to person, there are tiny details that make an enormous difference in how oral health is maintained. For instance, the care provided to a child will likely focus on the prevention of cavities rather than the treatment of gum disease.
With the extensive training and experience of your family dentist at SmileMoreToday, you can remain confident that the care you receive will be tailored to your exact needs. Dr. Kumar understands not only the gravity of immediate needs but also knows that each patient can change through the years, facing additional or completely different dental concerns at various times.
Research suggests that more than fifty percent of the over-55 population has gum disease. That means that being over the age of 55 increases a person’s risk of this condition as well as gum recession. With this in mind, Dr. Kumar conducts examinations that will identify the most discreet signs of infection in the gums.
Every year, our body undergoes biological changes. Our joints may begin to move less freely and our skin will look thinner and looser, all due to these changes. The mouth is not immune to change and can develop certain needs because of chemical changes in the body.
We cannot stop the aging process, but we can gain a better understanding of what our body needs as we go through life. Working with an experienced dentist such as Dr. Kumar, residents of the Vernon Hills and Chicago areas benefit from personalized care and education that empowers them to improve smile for life.
Give your smile the care it needs. Call SmileMoreToday in Chicago or Vernon Hills.