Are you in the loop about implant dentistry in Chicago?
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Are you in the loop about implant dentistry in Chicago?

The Loop is Chicago’s affectionate name for the historic theater, shopping, and commercial hub in downtown Chicago. Dr. Amit Kumar, the Loop’s premier dentist, wants to help you understand how modern implant dentistry can improve the quality of life for many patients.

A dental implant is a miniature screw crafted of a biocompatible titanium metal alloy. In a brief surgical procedure, the implant dentistry is inserted through the gum and into the jawbone at the site of a missing tooth. With the aid of digital imagery, placement is precisely planned in advance of the appointment. There are no surprises – placement is predictable and has an extremely high success rate.

Dental implants

Dentures and crown-and-bridge units are sound, conventional dentistry for missing teeth. But they sit on top of gum tissue. They lack the stability and longevity of a dental implant, and cleaning can become a challenge.

The jawbone, however, fuses securely with the dental implant over the course of several months. (Don’t worry – the small incision in the gum heals in just a day or two following implantation.) This forms a rock-solid base for an abutment, a post inserted into the implant. The abutment holds a beautiful, natural-looking porcelain crown for a restoration that reinstates appearance, chewing function, and ability to speak clearly.

dental implant

A single missing tooth may be replaced with a dental implant, or many – even a whole arch or entire mouth. With just your good home oral hygiene and regular dental visits, a dental implant can be a lifetime restoration. Because the implant is in the jawbone, it provides natural stimulation each time you bite down, maintaining bone density for a healthy mouth and a more youthful appearance.

The Smile More Today Dental team also offers the option of immediate (same-day) implants. In just one visit, a dental implant may be inserted into the socket of an extracted tooth and topped with a crown.

Our All-on-4 and All-on-6 technology allows edentulous patients to enjoy amazing denture stability with just a few dental implants. The denture fits over the implants, and it is anchored securely in place. It can’t slip or pop out when speaking, and chewing function and comfort are dramatically improved.

Call SmileMoreToday Dental Wellness Center and schedule a consultation with Dr. Kumar. You’ll be in the loop about dental implants – dentistry that has residents of The Loop smiling brightly.